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Helping Your Newborn’s Skin Avoid Dryness

Newborns have such soft skin. This is self-evident when you pick up that little bundle and stroke their cheek gently—it’s just so soft! But just because babies are more inclined to have smooth skin, it doesn’t mean that they can’t also develop dry skin issues.

Don’t worry; it’s actually totally normal for babies to get some dry skin issues as they grow, just like adults and other children, and most clear up quickly. However, as a parent or caretaker of a baby, there are things you can do to help prevent dry skin and other skin conditions from developing. This article will cover how you can help prevent dry skin and will help you find a lotion you can trust!


A baby’s skin, especially a newborn, is supposed to be soft because of a natural coating that lays across the skin after birth. This organic component is called vernix caseosa. It helps protect the baby as it adjusts to the conditions of the world. However, this moisturizing agent doesn’t stick around forever.

While a baby can develop dry skin before the effects of the vernix caseosa wear off, it’s just unlikely. Your baby could still suffer from the effects of dry skin. So, it’s always important to be aware of possible issues that can occur, like dry skin, so you can address them properly if they happen.

Don’t hyper-focus on this possibility; on the other side of the spectrum, your baby may never get so much as a rash! But it’s important to be prepared. 

How to Prevent Dryness

The best offense is a good defense! Understanding how you can prevent issues from occurring is an excellent way to avoid them. There are some common ways that baby’s skin gets dry and how you can avoid them.

Avoid Long Baths

Long hot baths may be the cause of irritated skin. While a baby may like to soak in soapy water, having them stay in there too long can cause their skin to become dehydrated. Plus, it risks removing the natural oils that protect the outer skin layer.

Important note: If a baby’s skin is red and/or splotchy after a bath, the water is too hot. Hot water can also lead to more skin irritation and rashes, as it will dry out the skin faster! So, use mild bathwater that’s a bit warmer but not hot when bathing a newborn.

Try rejuvenating their skin after a bath with a hydrating lotion, like the aloe-based lotion from Pure Baby Lotion and Moisturizer created by Hand Over Heart. It can help reduce skin irritation and replenish the natural oils which get washed away during a bath. Apply right after a bath while the skin is still wet for best absorption, and then pat that babe dry!

Keep the Baby Warm and Cozy

In cold weather, you should bundle up your baby to ensure they get minimal exposure to a blast of cold, dry air. Cold air sucks out moisture and leaves the skin dry. If you must be out for an extended period, it may be a good idea to keep some lotion handy as well.

A good lotion, like the Pure Baby Lotion and Moisturizer, will act as a protective layer and will keep your baby’s skin from being damaged. While this baby-safe lotion comes in 8oz bottles, consider distributing it out to smaller travel containers to carry around in your baby bag or have handy in the car.

Increase the Humidity

You may live in a place where it’s cold for a full winter season. Or you may live in somewhere known for its dry heat. In either case, increasing the humidity in your house or baby’s room can be a great way to prevent dry skin from occurring.

Dry air is like cold air, or more aptly, cold air is usually very dry, and this dry air will draw moisture out of people. The drier the conditions, the more steadily moisture will be drawn out from the people, plants, and objects in the area. If you believe your baby’s room may be too dry, get a humidifier or vaporizer to increase the moisture in the room.

In Other Cases

Most dryness issues can be fixed easily or go away on their own and are not indicative of a serious illness, just environmental conditions. Problematic and consistent skin issues, on the other hand, may be pointing to an issue that’s harder to solve on your own.

If none of these common causes seem to be the reason behind your baby’s dry skin, or if the issue is stubbornly refusing to clear up on its own or with home-ready remedies—it may be time to visit a physician or specialist to work out treatment.

Can You Use Lotion on a Newborn?

While it’s not advised to use lotion on a baby under a week old, you can use lotion on a baby. However, it’s very important to note that you must use baby formulated lotions. Even lotions made for sensitive adult skin can still contain compounds that will be too heavy for a baby’s skin to handle.

Always make sure the lotion you use is completely natural and doesn’t contain anything that could burn or hurt your baby’s gentle skin.

Keep Your Baby’s Skin Healthy, and Trust the Right Lotion

By following these tips, you can help prevent your baby from developing a serious skin issue. And using a lotion, like the Pure Baby Lotion and Moisturizer by Hand Over Heart lotions, as discussed, can help greatly reduce the chances your child will develop eczema. While most children have an approximately 50% chance of developing eczema in their first 32 weeks, children who are moisturized each day by a sensitive baby cream can reduce that risk to a third!

The baby lotion works great on any skin type and is excellent for very sensitive skin. So, while you’re considering your newborn’s skin health, consider your own as well with Pure Baby Lotion!



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